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Escape Hunter Planning

Planning: Tips for More Enjoyable Trips

December 6, 2013
September 24, 2017

How to Manage Your Time
More Efficiently on Trips?


Recipe for being more efficient with time management when traveling.
This will make a big difference, trust me!
You will spend less money and it will feel like you have more time for the enjoyable things!

14 Gift Ideas for Travelers

Gifts for travelers

What gift would you buy to a "travel bug"?
Here are 14 original ideas to help you!

7 Things That Can Ruin Your Travel Photos

Factors that ruin travel photos

Tips on how to cope with common things that can ruin your travel photos.

Tips For Travelers on
How to Avoid Taxi Scams

Avoid taxi scams

Taxi drivers love foreigners. They're the juiciest pray for a long adventurous taxi adventure with a high price at the end...
How can you avoid getting tricked by a cunning cab driver?

How to Pick a Good Airplane Seat?

Picking the best plane seat

Do you carefully pick your plane seat?
Here's a guide about the key factors you should take account of and a few tools you can use!

What Skiplagging is and
How it Can Get You Cheap Flights!

Skiplagging for cheap airfares

A brand new technique unknown to most people can get you dirt cheap airfares.
It's called: skiplagging!

Toxic Behaviour That Can
Ruin Your Travel Experience

Bad travel habits

Whether you enjoy a trip or not also depends on your own habits.
Our own toxic behaviour, routine-based automatisms and lack of insight can ruin an otherwise enjoyable travel experience.

How to Find WiFi When Traveling?

WiFi for travelers

As technology evolves, it not only helps us, but also complicates our lives: now you must have WiFi signal or you feel like Robinson on a desert island...
Practical advice on where & how to find WiFi signals when traveling...

What Holds You Back From Traveling?

What stops you from traveling

You'd love to travel more than anything in the World, but something holds you back.
You're anchored. And probably sad.
Sour as a pickle...
Why? What holds you back?

How to Call Home From Abroad?

Calling from abroad

What if your roaming doesn't work and you can't Skype home?
...no internet, no roaming. How can you still call home?

Rarely Heard Strong Reasons
Why You Should Travel

Rare reasons for traveling

A unique motivational list with rarely (or never) mentioned reasons for traveling.
Yet more strong reasons why you should travel.

Finding the Ideal Destinations
& Attractions For You

Finding travel destinations

You're burning to travel, but clueless about where you should go?
Find out what drives you, what tickles you to find the ideal destinations for you.

Vital Trip Calculations
You Shouldn't Leave Out

Travel calculations, estimates

Most of us calculate daily estimates of travel expenditures. But, travel-related calculations go far beyond the estimation of costs.
How correct and how complete are your trip calculations?
Here are a few vital things you shouldn't omit.

Squeeze 'em In!
How to Pack Less and Lighter?

Pack less and lighter

Just a few simple things you can do to pack lighter and reduce volume.

How to Protect Your Money When Traveling

Real traveler

Prepare for the worst and hope for the best - when it comes to protecting your money while traveling (especially in risky areas).
Here are a number of practical tips, which combined, can give you solid protection.

Poor Man's Guide to Saving For Trips

Travel literacy

I understand the feelings of those who can barely make it from their monthly income.
But travel is for everyone and there are techniques to save, even for the "poor man".

What Makes You a Real Traveler?

Real traveler

There's a huge difference between a real traveler and a mere leisure-seeker.
Travelers feel insulted when compared to common tourists.
But what makes someone a real traveler?

What is Travel Literacy?

Travel literacy

A real traveler requires special skills.
And, how developed you are in one directions is a personality thing.
Read more here about what travel literacy is and find out how skilled you are.

Shivering of Cold? Here's How to Cope!

Coping with body cold

Don't let cold take over and turn you into an ice-cube. Avoid getting seriously sick.
A few very simple techniques can help a lot, but most of us never resort to them!

Jet Lag Prevention Techniques

How to prevent jet lag

Flying faraway and worried about jet lag?
Don't wait for the condition to set in. Use proven techniques to shrink its effects and pre-adjust your organism.

The Art of Last Minute Traveling

Traveling at last minute

Didn't book well in advance? Or even, you forgot to buy in time?
No problem: buy later, pay less. Last minute deal hunter know best how it's done. And it can cost you 50-75 % less than advance booking.
Let's see how this can work out for you!


How Solo Travelers
Can Spend Less on Hotel Nights

Saving on hotel nights

One of the downsides of traveling solo is that you're paying heavily on hotel rates.
It's not the end of the World, there are a few tricks that you can try.
And we're talking about hotels! No hostels, no couchsurfing, nor house stay... Comfy hotel nights, indeed.

Cheap Plane Ticket Hunting -
Eyeing and Grabbing Cheap Airfares

Cheap plane tickets

Flights and accommodation eat up most of our funds when traveling.
Save on your flights and your entire trip will cost a lot less. Proven techniques can help you more than what you've tried before.
Here are a number of tips and tricks you can try in your search for cheaper flight tickets!

Make Your Check-in Luggage
Easy to Distinguish

Distinguishing check-in bags

You don't want your check-in luggage get mixed up with someone else's at the airport.
With minimal effort you can make it more distinguishable to improve its security.

Great Travel Gadgets
to Bring With You on a Trip

Travel gadgets to take

Besides the "standard" travel gear, I also take a bucket load of small gadgets on my trips.
Are you using any of these? If not, you should!

Illusions, Disappointments
of Naive Travelers

Illusions, disappointments of naive travelers

Traveling can be terribly disappointing and some experience this more often than others...
Naive travelers can get a slap in the face if they aren't prepared for these issues.

How Travelers Can Enjoy
"Free for All" Experiences

Enjoy free experiences while traveling

We tend to forget about a vast amount of attractions that won't cost us a single dime...
More about the "free for all" in this article.

Multi-use Items Help Shrink
Luggage Size and Weight

You can shrink volume and weight by simply learning how to substitute certain items.
Here are my tips on how to use replaceable items to minimize your luggage.

20 Annoying Things
That Keep Happening When I Travel

Annoying things that happen during trips

Traveling is not just about fun...
Some things about it can be nerve-wrecking. And the bad thing is, some of these things keep happening to me again and again...

Important Travel Documents
That You Must Replicate

Travel documents to replicate

Here's a list of the most vital travel documents to make copies of. Some of those documents cannot be replaced, so having a copy is vital, especially when traveling faraway, abroad.

Jet Lag Coping Techniques

Coping with jet lag

Prevention is good, but suppose it has already hit you... how do you cope with it?
Jet lag isn't the end of the World, it too can be dealt with.

How to Prevent Prolonged
Walking-induced Exhaustion

Prevent walking-induced exhaustion

Walking can drain your energy eventually, if done systematically day-by-day...
Here are my practical tips for reducing prolonged walking-induced fatigue.

Tips on Preventing
Food and Drinks-related Sickness

Food and drinks-related disease prevention

Its not just food intoxication, but also bad habits that we have to get rid off.
Here's how to avoid eating and drinking-related sickness...

Basic Advice for Beginner Travelers

Travel advice for beginners

Most people have a naive superficial perception regarding travel and fall victim to their lack of experience and ill-preparedness.
Tips for the beginners only...

How to Take Care of Your Stomach
and Digestion When Traveling

Stomach and digestion-related advice

It's not just what, but also how and when you eat and drink that counts when you're on a trip.
Find advice for taking good care of your belly and digestion.

How to Make- and Keep Warm
in a Cold Hotel Room?

Cold hotel room travel advice

Once a terribly cold hotel room gave me pneumonia as "souvenir".
The experience taught me a few things and inspired me to come up with coping tips.

Foot Care While Traveling

Foot care advice

We use our feet more while traveling, therefore the risk of injury, fatigue is relatively high.
Good care can prevent unpleasant problems.

Tips on How Not to Miss
Less-known Unique Attractions

Rare attractions

You won't find most of them in guidebooks, but they too can be interesting...
They can be parks, ports, hidden picturesque streets, even great views of the skyline, an old restaurant's interior, a library, even certain industrial areas...

Insect Bite Prevention Techniques

Insect bite prevention

Potentially deadly diseases are spread by obscure mosquitoes, ticks and other insects.
Take as many measures as possible to avoid the bite.

20 Items That Travelers
Often Forget to Bring

Besides the passport and plane tickets, travelers often forget bringing a long list of other important items.
Verify my checklist to see what these items are.

Checklist for
Travelers' Medical Box Essentials

Medical box checklist for travelers

Medicine and related items that you should pack when preparing for a trip.
Most don't pack the essential medical items. Remember: you are going on a trip and you will expose yourself to new risks and more often than in the comfort of your home.

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