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My Escapes Spain Costa Blanca Summer Heat "Fumar Acorta la Vida, Fumar Puede Matar"

"Fumar Acorta la Vida, Fumar Puede Matar"

December 26, 2014
April 29, 2015

Spanish language is music to my ears... Everything sounds so wonderful in this language, even "less nice" expressions and ideas...
This also applies to the cigarette box health warning messages - which are quite morbid in reality. But in Spanish: music to your ears!
German humorist, Stefan Raab even created a song with the Spanish variants of "smoking kills" and similar texts...

I can't forget a hilarious song by German comedian, Stefan Raab (video embedded below - sorry for the poor quality!), which I can recall seeing on a German TV channel ages before I first traveled to Spain.

It's a hilarious cabaret song put together exclusively from warning texts taken from Spanish cigarette boxes.

"Funar Acorta la Vida" - according to Stefan Raab sounds like a Ricky Martin song.

Doesn't it? Now, really?

It's Spanish, so it sounds like beautiful music to our ears - just listen to this song:

Stefan Raab's "Fumar" song:

The lyrics... Can't leave them out, hilarious - if you understand Spanish:

Fumar acorta la vida
Fumar puede matar

Uno, dos, trés...
Fumar puede ser causa de una muerte lenta y dolorosa
Fumar puede reducir el flujo sanguíneo y provoca impotencia


Fumar acorta la vida
Fumar puede matar

Fumar puede dañar el esperma y reduce la fertilidad
Dejar de fumar reduce el riesgo de enfermedades mortales de corazón y pulmón.


Fumar puede matar, fumar acorta la vida, fumar puede matar

As for photos of the actual cigarette boxes... you can admire some below...
Apparently, Stefan Raab was inspired by them during a trip to Spain.

I took these at a cigarette shop while in Benidorm.

Fumar mata

"Fumar Mata" ("Smoking Kills") - spot on, true!

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The shop was filled with boxes of all sorts of cigarettes, with a variety of warning messages on them, like: "Fumar Mata" ("Smoking Kills") and so on...

Reading those words I had the impression they were the lyrics of a Ricky Martin song or a Julio Iglesias piece.

Cigarette boxes in Spain

Question: if smoking kills and the boxes' texts scream out loud it's so dangerous, why do people smoke?

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Escape Hunter

About the Author:

Escape Hunter, the young solo traveler in his early 30's explores the World driven by curiosity, thirst for adventure, deep passion for beauty, love for freedom and diversity.
With a nuanced, even humorous approach to travel, an obsession for art and design, Escape Hunter prefers to travel slowly, in order to learn and "soak up" the local atmosphere...


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